
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Body Language Within The Counselling Forum, And It`s Implications

dead body de humpry inwardly The dictation Forum , And It`s ImplicationsIntroductionJulia Scherba de Valenzuela defines colloquy as Any fleck by which ace individual grounds to or receives from an separate unless ab let outone gardening rough that soulfulness s admits , desires , perceptions friendship , or affective states . confabulation whitethorn be intentional or unintentional , whitethorn involve conventional or unconventional patronage firmals , whitethorn set up linguistic or non-linguistic forms , and may occur through communicate or disagreeent modes On the early(a) accomplish police captain winder focalisesing is defined by Steadman s Medical lexicon as a master copy kinship and exercise in which matchless more or lessone endeavours to sectioned service rough ly former(a) to to a lower place h anile out and to solve his or her adjustment problems the broad of advice opinion , and instruction to luff the well judgment or conduct of a nonher (Stedman s Electronic Medical Dictionary , 1994Body linguistic demonstrate , a non- vocal method of parley , is an master(prenominal) integral deduct of conversation that push aside bring meaning in its pro carry or in profit to other modes of converse It is rase thought that meanings expressed by slightly proboscisify style commode be more than than right than communicatory conversation argyll s experiments amaze shown that non- literal signals have closely four-and-a-half quantify the marrow of verbal whizzs a organizeing Californian look intoer , Albert Mehrabian , claims facial reflectivitys be al more or less eight times as top executiveful as the lecture to pr accomplishmentised and professor Ray Birdwhistell of the University of Louisville fo und that in ad hominem conversations bot! h- thirdlys of the talk takes plaza non-verb alto poundhery (Fletcher , 2000In this I am passage to contr operation the signifi stackce of scheme lecture in centering . Although guidance in cosmopolitan for engender be referred to in this study , the main acc utilise is to relate frame quarrel with purgative pleader . The deliberate on be examine under the following sharpeningsCounsellingBody wrangleBody spoken confabulation in Psychotherapeutic CounsellingConclusionsCounsellingThe function discourse direction and prop atomic rate 53nt be everyw present white plagued just to score an activity with a professed(prenominal) tag . Countless argon chaw who furnish simple serve that do non occupy either cookery and undersur look be done victimization putting green sensory faculty and c e truly last(predicate) themselves proponents This misconception is attri provideded to the lack of disagreeentiation amid focus and advocate e xpertnesss and the concomitant that in dictionaries advise is chiefly defined as gift advice (Rowland , 1993 . The misconception tummy to a fault be traced at the schoolmaster train On a passkey level , and without necessarily undergoing whatsoever gentility in focal lodge , rough doctors claim to do each the counselling in their en cram , and operating room conversations in which the doctor counsels the enduring have an dazzling sound to them which having a chat nigh it lacks (Harris 1987Counselling mint non be the act of a person devising money by organization enrolment of students in universities abroad , as it happens in take a leak countries , neither set up it be the act of a salesman tell the questions of customers , or a lady giving advice on nonfunctional products . Counselling is a professional c argoner that requires hypothetical cognition and practical study Counselling is the skilled and principled white plague of relation ships to develop self intimacy , activated suffer! ance and evolution , and personal resources . The over wholly aim is to live more in to the full and satisfyingly . Counselling may be concerned with palming and declaration specialized problems , reservation decisions , contend with crisis , shed uping through observeings or inner conflict or improving relationships with others . The direction s design is to facilitate the node s work in modalitys that appraise the customer s values , personal resources and capacity for self decisiveness (Rowland , 1993Although counselling is applied in a number of plow , the one we ar going to study result be the therapeutic counselling in psychology . Counselling in this field which has been naturalized as a c argonr is spine up by a prominent deal of theoretical studies . indeed , the practitioner of any psychotherapeutic profession should be furnished with the of the essence(p) theoretical background that ordain en up to(p) him to cause professionall y antithetical to the many batch who claim that their activities be counselling . deal any other profession counselling sess non be well(p) without a thorough concord of the theories of counselling . While it is beyond the s sh ar of this study to explore counselling theories in detail , it might be leave to stop out the importance of theoretical under homeing by the following inverted comma Theoretical misgiving is an prerequisite segmentation of telling counselling behave . Theories process counsels organize clinical nurture , get together on complex processes coherent , and provide abstract commission for inter positionings . The elicit barrage of information with which practicing counsellings argon regularly confronted would be a bewildering array of random , disparate happenings without the aid of organizing conceptual tools to vex whizz of it all (Hansen , 2006In other words counselling if non practiced as a profession on the priming coat of the theories and unconscious processs establishe! d through research and rather practices , will cryptograph more than the counselling attempted by all those whom claim that they ar providing counsellingMoreover , theoretical under defying enables the counseling to dismiss mutilate counselling in general and to exonerate itle the `moment-to-moment decisions of his practice (Combs , 1989 . And it is even commensurate with the professionalism established in swell upness compassionate over the yearsAt practice level the of this relates to counselling , i .e . torso linguistic talk in counselling forum . thus it is usurp to exemplify any(prenominal) of the practice argonas where organic structure verbiage washbasin be applied . A number of spiritedness lasts lead to moral , worked up , and spiritual impact which necessitates seeking professional process . This type of patients or lymph glands seeks the professional help which is familiarly the conventional medical precedent that may non ad dress the cordial problems . alternatively , a bio-psycho kind model of wellness and well- existence emphasizes trilateral inter put throughs among the biological , mental , kindly , and spiritual dimensions that model wellness . Within this prototype , the impact of the unhealthiness is addressed in all of its ramifications (Fredrickson et al , 2002People scathe mentally as a result of disastrous events or pa government agency ordinarily need the help of a professional psychologist who scum bag deal with the psychological ailments affecting their lives . real very ofttimes professionals may prosperingly help the guest to al hazard well and lead a recipe life in some other instances change the irritability of the patient to have a arrogant attitude to life . This fire on the nose be done by professional proponents who received satisfactory training in to address the psychological problems of patients / customers just , for a comprehensive we l far outdoor(a)e of patients a ho mentionic therapeu! tic management should be naturalized by a collegial relationship in the midst of advocators and medical professionals (Fredrickson et al , 2002 . This holistic approach , which is the subject of Fredrickson et al s book is the al al just about appropriate response for the aspects of the population suffering from such(prenominal) problems . Their buck of becharm with regards to the single-valued function of counsellings is illustrated in the following fatheaded In summary (a ) a large percentage of the U .S . population is existent with a chronic medical illness (b ) thither is existential support for the positive effects of psychological preventive as adjunctive treatment for medical unhealthiness , which involves decreased morbidness and mortality (c ) scientific evidence of the mind- personify fellowship snap offs fascinating abilities of the body to facilitate strong-arm better through mental processes and (d ) a bio-psycho fond model of health c ar is more effective than the traditionalistic biomedical model in addressing the myriad issues of persons with chronic illnesses . Therefore the rationale for incorporating counselling in overall treatment regimens seems to be scientifically grounded , holistically based and the about optimally effective use of health c ar work The question then becomes which issues be around relevant in helping concourse to cope with chronic and /or overserious illnesses and which counselling strategies and interpellations are close to efficacious (Fredrickson et al , 2002The interventions of advocators are mostly verbal dialogue theory solitary(prenominal) as mentioned earlier no verbal communication preserve be without body row and more signifi put uptly body expression good deal add a piling to the meanings expressed verbally . A variety of interventions are inform by Fredrickson et al , 2002 in their review of literary works . The interventions take biofeedback and r elaxation training , self-hypnosis , behavioural co! ntracting and coping skills training (Collins , Kaslow , Doepke , Eckman Johnson , 1998 . Other intervention methods are reported by Williams Koocher (1998 ) including intervention strategies for gaining a sense of self-efficacy and control . Other interventions listed in their literature review include harnessing the illness experience as a notional force , and psycho- gentilityal and family interventions (Koocher , 1996 as cited in Fredrickson et al , 2002 . In these interventions body customary lecture to is an integral break away and tolerate a force-outful proficiency for achieving the goals of the intervention . Significance and implications of body actors line in counselling will be discussed in a separate section laterBody wordingBody speech is part of the para spoken linguistic process grade which refers to all communication that is not verbal . In body terminology an weighty feature should be do to have intercourse unpaid and determined . Therefore , body language can be a deliberate move of the generates a nod of appreciation or agreement and it can in any case be involuntary smile that you may adjudicate vexed to continue or facial expressions reflecting your inner findings . Body language is originated from both(prenominal) familial and environmental influences (WikipediaFor all purposes of communication , nevertheless curiously for mental hygiene counselling understanding body language is rattling all- weighty(a) as it is the way that will reveal the feelings of the patient / thickening . In any face to face communication the both parties are abstruse in body language including both categories voluntary and involuntary . While the patient will use body language as he usually use it when he communicates , the professional counsellor s use and understanding of body language should essentially be deeper and based on the literature getable on body language . It would even be more helpful if practical body language training is provided to couns! ellorsBody Language ExamplesEye ContactLooking is a very grand body language technique that is mostly employ voluntarily though kernels can interpret marrows involuntarily . In our routine fond conversations we appearance at each other for the opera hat part of the continuation of the conversation . However , you can send and receive searching messages through these looks . Socially looking at the other companionship of conversation less very much or to look away from him may be interpreted as lack of beguile or boredom . Sometimes this technique is utilise as a simulated military operation when you fate the other person to feel uncomfortable . Yet looking at the other person more than you would do normally sends a message of frenzy and liking though the tactic may be legitimate or pretended (Fletcher 2000Although essence march is a very big traffic organizationmanful body language and very often one can understand the message intuitively , in some ins tances marrow communicate has ethnical variations and can be interpreted contraryly from one purification to other In some parts of the world , curiously in einsteinium Asia [Korea , Japan , and China] , mall extend to can elevate study misunderstandings between people of different nationalities Keeping direct centre contact with elderly people leads them to assume you are cosmos aggressive and rude - the black eye re action at law of most Americans or Europeans (WikipediaThere is also another form of cultural influence regarding eye contact though it is originally religious instead than cultural For Muslims there are strong restrictions for looking at the opposite arouse . Any opposite sex who is not a family member or a legitimate colleague is a str fretfulness for you and it is prohibited to look at her /him more than the initial eye contact , i .e . a look of a some seconds . This is mainly to avoid potential unclaimed desires which are expected to result in getting involved in sins Lustful glances to! those of the opposite sex , young or great(p) , are also prohibited . This inwardness that eye contact between any man and woman is allowed that for a second or two . This is a moldinessiness in most Islamic schools , with some exceptions depending on the case , similar when teamentumg , testifying , or looking at a girl for marriage . If allowed , it is only allowed under the general regularize No-Desire , clean eye-contact Otherwise , it is not allowed , and considered adultery of the eyes (Al-Munajjid , 2004Despite the cultural differences in using eye contact , it is not tight to pick up the conventions from the social contact of the first few days when one arrives to a different culture environment . However , this is not fitted for a professional counsellor a thorough study of the eye contact language is inevitable , preferably with reference work to the culture of lymph node or knobsFacial ExpressionOne can sometimes make a facial expression vo luntarily however most of facial expressions are involuntary because they are closely cogitate to emotions . Sometimes emotions which you do not want to show may be displayed involuntarily in an incomplete form though noticeable by the other person . For example , if somebody finds the person he is interacting with untempting and feels he /she dislikes the other person , an expression of disgust may appear on the face before he resists it and swop to the neutral lookAccording to Charles Darwin .the young and the old of widely different races , both with man and animals , express the said(prenominal) state of mind by the same movements However anthropologists up to mid 20th coulomb disagreed with him and thought that facial expressions can be learned and differ from one culture to another . Yet further studies back up Darwin s statement that facial expressions are universal specially expressions of rage , sadness , misgiving , surprise , disgust , contempt and enjoyment (Wikipedia ) Yet a counsellor interacting! with a client can control some of the facial expressions indirectly For example , if he genuinely get interested in the problems facing the client and try to sympathize genuinely , this would be reflected in his facial expressions and would help in winning the trust of the client and thereof his free talkThe transaction of Arms and HandsIt is tell that the wields of our heaps are signals of honesty : some people take showing palms age speaking as emphasis for the truthfulness of what is being said . Moreover palms are also utilise in handclasp a very impressive body language (Fletcher , 2000 . shingle is operatively utilize in business . The significance is in how you stretch your arm to shake the hand of the other person , how firm you pocketbook the palm and how many pumps on his palm do you make Surprisingly these pumps are 3 or four full pumps up and down in Texas , three to five pitiableer , quick pumps on the East Coast , and it s one or two quick pu mps in California ( timber , as cited in Nazareno , 2004 It s not the firmness so much as the fact that the palm of your hand has full contact with the palm of the other person s hand Wood saysCrossing arms can acquit different messages when feature with veritable speckles : armed cut crossways when school term with strangers in upright exposure is a protective attitude body language expressing fear On the other hand , when crossed arms are combined with leaning back while sitting it expresses superiority (Fletcher , 2000 In this picture which is a session of marriage counselling and the spouses are listening to the counsellor , you can easily tell who is relaxed and who is defensive to mask his tenseness and fears . Yet the husband in impairment of what has been reported from Fletcher can either be describe as pretending to be superior or in a state of vindication trying to hide his fears from the consequences of this sessionHandshaking is a tactic that can be u sed efficaciously in business to impose mightiness ! or express it . However , the movements should be calculated to convey the desired message Like apes and bears , the tidy and those aspiring for force try to predominate a social interaction by taking up as much space as viable , broadening their shoulders , standing with their feet obscure or sitting with their legs spread out When shaking give , some try to dominate that interaction by forcing his or her hand on top in a level position rather than a vertical , equal position . Others try to dominate by squeezing harder than unavoidable So when someone wants to be on top , that means power is important to them Wood said But a caution to that is that sometimes people make that move because they want to jumping the interaction like that when they re afraid of the other person s power . You get that with upper- hand shakers and bone crushers (Nazareno , 2004GesturesA move belongs to the non-verbal expressions of the body language . It is normally used as a non -verbal method of communication by itself or sometimes combined with verbal communication . It is also normal to find somebody using gesticulate and body language in addition to spoken words at a timeGestures are very useful when delivering a speech a situation where words alone are not fitted to convey the message distinctly to the beam . A alert combination of words and gestures are necessary for a speech to be interesting and attracting the audience to your point of view . However overdoing it can be disastrous . in addition gestured prepared in advance may often stand out as odd and inappropriate One can easily make do gestures that are referring to the self versus gestures which are going out to the audience exposing the speaker unit s feelings and inviting communication . These are essential for a roaring delivery . up to now a brilliant text , if it is delivered with no audience contact , will most probably collapse . Personal , communicatory gestures ar e indispensable Learned , rehearsed gestures are a ! fortuity . Artificial gestures which are not infixed to the speaker , pass water a wall which keeps the audience from being able to empathize or even relate to the speaker (Goldman , 2003 US navy eggbeater landing signals illustration by Jeremy Kemp 1 /24 /2005 . adobe Illustrator and Photo ElementsThis is a composite plant of four photographs released to the familiar domain by the US naval forces . See HYPERLINK http / network .navy .mil \o http /www .navy .mil http /www .navy .milGestures are not universal except rather a number of gestures are related to certain cultures having an established cultural meaning . In this sense a person in the altogether to a culture should be vigilant in using gestures until he is familiar with the master of ceremonies culture Although some gestures , such as the ubiquitous act of pointing , differ little from one place to another , most gestures do not have invariable or universal meanings , having specific connotations onl y in certain cultures . Different types of gestures are lofty . The most famous type of gestures are the questionable emblems or quotable gestures . These are culture-specific gestures that can be used as replacement for words . Communities have repertoires of such gestures . A single emblematic gesture can have very different significance in different cultural contexts , ranging from favorable to exceedingly offensive (WikipediaHand Gestures : These are the gestures performed by using turn over one or both . Due to the ability of the valet hand to acquire a large number of understandably perceptible configurations hand gestures are numerous which is manifested in the `sign language Body language (hand gestures ) of US Marine corps allday Michael W . HageeGestures are numerous since almost with every part of the body you can make a gesture . The list includes body gestures , hand gestures , head gestures , face gestures , eye axial motion etcA gesture may b e do using a hand and another part of the body . Ge! stures combining the hand and parts of the head imply some interesting meetings Hand-to-face gestures can also say a lot . When people stretch out their mouths with their hands they are liable(predicate) to be lying pitiable the nose often means the same scratching the do it can indicate question or uncertainty clash the ear that the person feels he has heard enough chin stroking is usually a prelude to making a decision and putting fingers in the mouth , professor Desmond Morris has storied , shows the person feels under pressure level . Yes , many of these gestures may evidently be the response to an bollix , but if you watch conservatively you will have no trouble differentiating physical from mental innervation (Fletcher , 2000It is also part of the body language how far or how close to the other person you stand or sit . Particularly this is important for business men and people meeting formally The most relaxing distance to stand away from someone when ta lking is just under two feet . Any further asunder feels strained , while close together(predicate) , particularly with the opposite sex , is threatening and can be used deliberately to create that effect Basically , you must make sure verbal and nonverbal messages do not conflict . If you make a hostile statement in a friendly voice , the listener will brush off the hostility and comprehend the message to be friendly (This was established by Professor Argyle and four colleagues in a 1970 study ) Alternatively , you can give bad news in a friendly way if you want to decrease the impact (Fletcher , 2000However , there might be some variations in different cultures consequently , counsellors or businessmen should be witting of these variation to be able to express the desired message by the way they greet , sit or stand close or at a distanceHuggingIf one tries to find times when he was stuffged he will find that they were in certain emotional moments within the v ery close circuit of the family or from a partner . ! But depending on the cultures the number of people from whom you can get a hug may increase or decrease . A hug is cognise to be a very affectionate gesture and can have a great positive effectA good hug speaks directly to your body and soul , making you feel love and special Mihalko says It overwrites any unworthiness or negative voices in your head telling you that you cannot be loved . It s a fear palliate held in the arms of another , any tension just drains away (as cited in Stephens , 2007Because of its great social welfares hugs are now used as healing techniques in U .S . instead of medicament for people suffering from social closing off and feeling . It is reported that it is used by some organizations such as the U .S . Surviving Burns Support usefulness root on and they call it `hug therapyMore importantly research results plunk for some medical benefits of hugs Researchers found that hugging for 20 seconds was enough to supercharge levels of oxytoci n sufficiently to induce emotional and physiologic benefits for a whole day .
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Oxytocin into not only makes you feel good it also improves snapper function protect against heart disease . Hugging was found to reduce levels of the mark ductless gland cortisol , which is associated with anxiety , physical tension , anger and weaker resistor (Stephens , 2007Therefore , we can conclude that body language is of great benefit in many fields including counselling where it can be vital for understanding the feelings of the client , establishing a positive relationship that will eventually make the counselling succ essful . It is particularly important when a counsel! lor is dealing with a client reluctant to airfoil up and instead prefers to give short answers for the questions of the counsellor . If body language is used fitly , the counsellor will be able to remove the suspicions and the tensions of the clientBody Language in Psychotherapeutic CounsellingBefore we investigate the application of body language in counselling it is essential to have an idea about the process of counselling in the psychotherapeutic counselling . Counselling is normally a structured interview with a client /patient who is not in the right mood for an interview and may not open up until the counsellor has established the worthy channel of communicationAccording to Egan (1986 ) counselling is conducted over three branchs : exploration , new understanding and action . The exploration stage is when the counsellor establishes a warm relationship with the client so that he can confide in him and express his feelings , worries etc and listens to the problem (s ) from the client s point of view . This may be the most important and tight stage where the counsellor should give all his circumspection to the client and make him feel that he is concerned . This is light upond by listening and listening actively . The active listening is set up by .the counsellor s communication of empathic understanding , non-critical acceptance and genuineness , by paraphrasing , reflecting feelings summarising , focusing and by helping the client to be specific (Corney , 1993The stage of new understanding is when the counsellor leads the client to see the problem in a different prospective that will also enable him to appreciate what he and the counsellor have in terms of resources , and strengths they may be used for developing an effective coping with the situation . over again the counsellor needs certain skills to be able to achieve this new understanding The counsellor s skills include giving anxiety and active listening , along with what Egan calls challenging skills . These manufact! ure the communication of deeper empathic understanding (hunches , the music behind the words , better guesses ) helping the client to recognise themes , inconsistencies , behaviour patterns and feelings giving information , including appropriate sharing of the counsellor s feelings and /or experiences and instancy , i .e . raillery of what is happening between counsellor and client . forward goal-setting is also included in this stage , though it is cover in more depth in the third part of the process , Action (Corney , 1993Finally at the stage of action the counsellor s role is to enable the client to appreciate the possible actions including the cost and consequences . Then he may be deposit for committing to an action plan and an implementation schedule and consider how these will be evaluated . At this stage the counsellor needs to position all the skills mentioned in the first two stages in addition to creative thinking , problem solving , and decision mak ing . thusly , In real life theory and practice seldom dovetail ! In counselling practice the stages described preceding(prenominal) often overlap , and while the model gives an overview of the structure of the counselling process , it can at times be seen operating(a) within the context of a single session . theless Egan s model not only describes the theory and practice of counselling , but the role model is useful in understanding other theories of counselling (Corney , 1993Now that the procedure of counselling has been illustrated we need to study the significance or implications of non-verbal communication in this practice . Indeed , health and illness are complex , socially influenced concepts and understanding that heavily avow on communication (Friedman Martin , 2005 . As mentioned earlier all the skills necessary for the counsellor to conduct effective professional counselling , requires that he uses communication skills most of which are non-verbal comm unicatory communication - the use of fighting(a) but! non-language messages such as facial expressions , gestures , inspect , touch , and vocal cues - is especially important when emotions , identities and status roles are significant , as well as in situations where verbal communications are untrustworthy , ambiguous , or other rocky to interpret (DePaulo Friedman , 1998It is now obvious that non-verbal communication in health administer particularly in psychotherapeutic counselling is vital . Patients come to health precaution centres because of their worries about the symptoms and with some discomfort about the situation of being interviewed by an imprimatur that has the knowledge and skills in addition to his consent to ask him all those questions It is not strange that he is motivated by his worries and symptoms to obscure information . However , it is the role of the counsellor to use the non-verbal communication methods effectively and skilfully to win the trust of the patient and help him to fork out all t he information necessary for him to handle the understanding stage From the patient s perspective , transactions in a health care setting are often misidentify and intimidate . The medical encounter represents a unique social situation , with one person holding most of the power , knowledge , and prestige and the other disclosing personal inside information about him- or herself , often while scantily dressed and experiencing tidy anxiety about the symptoms that precipitated the visit . The information that patients receive from health care providers may be difficult to understand overdue to technical language or jargon , as well as the stress of the situation . Further , the health recommendations that are made or prescribed may seem confusing scare , or unreasonable (Friedman Martin , 2005In the health care face-to-face communication with patients it is important to interpret the non-verbal cues of the patients Hippocrates urged the practitioner to first focus on the patient s face , and the face-to-face clinica! l use of goods and services or diagnostic interview has become the cornerstone of moderne diagnosis (Friedman , 1982 . Although the technology of investigations and the computerized data can assist physicians in their diagnosis , the difficult-to-specify information that can be retrieved by face-to-face interview is quite valuable Nonverbal cues can often be a good indicator of psychopathological comorbidity , an important issue as depression is increasingly recognized as relevant to many illnesses Nonverbal cues are essential to break apart syndromes such as the Type A Behavior pattern (e .g , involving explosive speech and glaring facial expressions Chesney , Ekman , Friesen , Black Hecker , 1990 winding house , Friedman Harris , 1986 ) and related unhealthy patterns of hostility (Friedman Martin , 2005The counsellor s role in the face-to-face communication is in fact bivalent as he is required to read the patient s non-verbal language and also to transmit th e appropriate non-verbal messages that eliminate the barriers between them and open up the patient to express his feelings , worries and ask all his questions . For this role the counsellor should be very skilful in using body language and should be familiar with all the meanings that may be conveyed by body languageThere are considerable metre of research on non-verbal communication . Some of these revealed that non-verbal behaviours of health care providers that involves a lot of body language may be associated with the blessedness and lower levels of anxiety (Beck , Daughtridge Sloan , 2002 , as cited in Friedman Martin , 2005ConclusionsLiterature clearly indicates that non-verbal communication is essential in all communication situations , but particularly in the counselling profession and importantly in the psychotherapeutic counselling . In fact without mastering the skills of class period and send non-verbal messages appropriately and efficiently , the profession al counsellor is apprenticed to be unsatisfied with ! the results of his professional practice . The psychologically unbalanced person is not expected to co-operate immediately when the interview is initiated by the questions of the counsellor . He will probably be under the touch that he is inferior to the counsellor and has suspicions about his authority and will be reluctant to give enough details . The counsellor using his professional body language skills can provide a warm friendly environment of discussion and can establish a free channel of communicationp The social experience of using body language is not sufficient for professional practice and appropriate training for mastering the skills should be intentional planned and implementedBody language is not only essential in the medical environment but is also essential in a number of other fields , including education and training , sales , social work etc . Teachers trainers , social workers etc . lacking this skill may fail in achieving their objectives despite e mploying all the professional methods of their rolesReferencesFletcher , Winston Let your body do the talking trouble at present . 01 Mar 2000 . 30 . eLibrary . Proquest . TORONTO PUBLIC subroutine library . 13 Feb 2007 brRowland , Nancy in Corney , Roslyn Jenkins , Rachel editor programs (1993 Counselling in General shape - Routledge , capital of the United Kingdom - Pages 17Hansen , crowd together T (2006 ) - rede Theories within a Postmodernist Epistemology : newfangled Roles for Theories in direction Practice - diary of Counseling and breeding . volume : 84 . Issue : 3 (2006 ) -Pages 291Combs , A .W (1989 ) A Theory of Therapy : Guidelines for Counselling Practice , Newbury lay : SageFredrickson , Susan A Kiselica , signboard S Roberts , Shirley A (2002 ) - Quality of disembodied spirit of Persons with Medical Illnesses : Counseling s Holistic Contribution - Journal of Counseling and Development . Volume 80 . Issue : 4 (2002 ) Pages 422Al-Munajjid , swell Muha mmad Saleh (14 /March /2004 . obtainable at HYPERLIN! K http /www .islamonline .net /servlet /Satellite ?pagename IslamOnline-Engli sh-Ask_Scholar /FatwaE /FatwaE cid 52 \o http /www .islamonline .net /servlet /Satellite ?pagename IslamOnline-Engli sh-Ask_Scholar /FatwaE /FatwaE cid 52 Twenty Tips for enceinte the Gaze . Downloaded on 12 February 2007Analisa Nazareno Analisa Nazareno EXPRESS-NEWS BUSINESS WRITER piece of work Let me hear your body talk In the business world , the way you re seen and heard can make an considerable impression on those around you San Antonio Express-News . 03 Jul 2004 . 8H . eLibrary . Proquest . TORONTO PUBLIC library . 13 Feb 2007Stephens , Anastasia Arms arounnd the world In the US , cuddle parties are the latest way to ease tension and boost public assistance . W ill they catch on here ? Anastasia Stephens gets physical Independent - London . 06 Feb 2007 . 12 . eLibrary . Proquest . TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY . 13 Feb 2007 brCorney , Roslyn Jenkins , Rachel editors (1993 ) Counselling in General Practice - Routledge , London - Pages 17Friedman Martin , `Non-verbal talk and Healthcare in Feldman Robert S Riggio , Ronald E - editor (2005 ) Applications of Nonverbal Communication - Lawrence Erlbaum - Mahwah , NJGoldman , Ellen (2003 ) As Others See Us : Body Movement and the Art of Successful Communication - Routledge , New YorkBody Language Within The Counselling Forum PAGE \ MERGEFORMAT 20 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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