
Sunday, February 3, 2019

George Orwell’s 1984 and Stalin’s Russia Essay -- Compare Contrast Ess

In George Orwells 1984, the strategies use by Oceanias governing bodyal Party to achieve total get over over the population are similar to the ones employed by Joseph Stalin during his reign. Indeed, the tactical maneuver used by Oceanias Party truly depicts the brutal totalistic society of Stalins Russia. In making a connection in the midst of Stalins Russia and Big Brothers Oceania, each Political Party implements a psychological and physical manipulation over society by controlling the education and the language with the help of technology.Many features of Orwells imaginary super-state Oceania are ironic translations from Stalins Russia. In Oceania, the Party mainly uses technology as the chief factor to implement a psychological manipulation over society by controlling the information they receive. An example of this is the big screen television mark off up in every persons home, and the bankers bill entirely over the city. The giant telescreen in every citizens room bl asts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the failures and short successes of the Party bug out to be glorious. In Winston Smiths apartment, this instrument is always on spouting propaganda and constantly brain washing the peoples mind. In actual fact, It could only be shadowy there is no way of shutting it off. In doing this, the Political Party is in complete control over the citizens mind, blasting what they loss each individual to think (Orwell, 6). They psychologically stimulate each individuals mind, qualifying their ability to think and have a mind of their own. In a similar way, Stalins created The Poster and The Pravda (the Russian newspaper controlled by the government during Joseph Stalins regime) to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what they were saying was absolutely justly and truth. Using this power, Stalin and his regime would get people to do anything for them. (Basgen, 2010)The creation of spacious broadsheets is one o f the most psychological manipulating tactics used in Oceania and Russia with the sweetener and help of technology. In Oceania, one could find A colored posterwith the face of a man Whose eyes fallowed you about when you moved. The furnish in the poster says that Big Brother Is Watching You (Orwell, 5). In placing poster like these all over Oceania, people are constrained and qualified to their actions.... ...ince and manipulate the way people act, think, and execute. Works CitedBasgen, Brian. Soviet biography. Marxists.org 2010. Web. 21 may 2015.https//www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/index.htmCritical Reception. Nineteen Eighty-Four Past, Present, and Future. Patrick Reilly. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1989. 11-23. Twaynes Masterwork Studies 30. Gale virtual(prenominal) Reference Library. Web. 5 May 2015.Franklin, Simon and Emma Widdis, eds. National Identity in Russian Culture An Introduction. Cambridge Cambridge UP, 2004.Orwell, George. 1984. New York, NY Publish ed by Signet Classic, 1977. Print.Platt, Kevin M. F. and David Brandenberger, eds. Epic Revisionism Russian news report and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda. Madison U of Wisconsin P, 2006.Internet Sources ConsultedGeorge Orwell. noted Authors. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 May 2015.George Orwell (1903-1950). BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 16 May 2015.Alder, Peter. Stalin Man of Steel. Prod. Guido Knopp. Dir. Oliver Halmburger. Perf. Ed Herrman. The History Channel, 2003. Videocassette. Youtube. 15 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 May 2015..

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