
Monday, March 4, 2019

Advertisement In Media Right or Wrong ?

We all are living in the era of commercialism, modernization and sophistication. Where we beart care of even ourselves in honourable means or as a gracious being. In our daily animation we bang across with a lot of events and incidents which put an important impact in our daily life. Here ad of different things plays a key contribution in our life. When blethering nearly advertizement in media, it has both imperious impact as strong as stigmatic topics on our lives, which means that up to some extent ad in media is delicious for our minds otherwise it is not less than a curse. Lets have a survey in our life in previous times.Yes we were passing through a precise simple but pure and meaningful life which was clean-handed from advertisements and commercialism. When talking about our society, large number were living a balanced life. Our ancestors had presumptuousness time to each other to establish a mature society. temporary hookup we talk about the negative imp acts of advertisement in bare-asseds papers, TV or magazines we generally face these type of effects in our type of life, like demoralization of our Social as well as ethical values. We have often heard that it is an international rule that all advertisement in media, TV, or magazine must have to pass the grave of Conduct before publishing.In code of conduct there includes mixed prohibitions, for example use of kids as a a target audition in advertisement is strictly restricted but the situation is tip over in every cultural society apart from Pakistan. correspondently affront material should not be advertised e. g. Cigarettes advertisement etc We have talked about the demoralization of Social values in our society by advertisement like for example when we travel through the metropolitan streets we see a lot of Billboards having the display of different products of different types.In these billboards most of companies, publicizing their products have displayed ladies to att ract the people toward them. Just theorise as a Muslim, whether it is good or bad? Because Islam has given very respectful condition to women. But instead of advocating that status is it right to hang the picture of a lady on billboards? Obviously not . So continue to talk about the negative impacts of advertisement in our society. Now a eld advertisement in either media or in Newspaper, and magazines have extend more(prenominal) glamour oriented. These glamour oriented advertisements.It is there fore give tongue to that Advertisement in an exaggerated counsel has created a destructive effect in our attitudes, habits and mindsets. For example in our society like Pakistan here more than 7o% people run after his bread and butter of life. Glamour in advertisement or exaggeration in advertisement creates greediness among people. Because unrivalled thing is very simple and clear that EVERY ONE FIGHTS FOR THE THING, HE DOES NOT HAVE Said by Hitler. Most of the time the products th at are advertised on sign boards or TV, media and magazines are costly. Thats why people want to get those things by hook or by crook.As we see that glamour in advertisement of different products attracts people of society. In other words it creates feelings of Self deprivation among people which thus boost up the crime rate in our society so we can judge that glamour in ad create a negative role in our lower middle class and in lower Class people. Similarly we live in Pakistan where like every cultural society in the world , a layman is ineffective to get the basic necessities of life, so when we see the different companies advertising their products in a quite aggressive fashion, these companies spend lot of money on it.But the simple thing is that if these companies spend money on advertising in a moderate way, then they people can only a lot of money and can improve the quality of life of poor people . We should not ignore the positive effects of advertising as well. While talking about the positive impacts of advertising. We can say advertising is a gateway of information of new things, products, services and awareness. In the recent technological era there is introduction of various new things including electronics, household appliances, pharmaceutical products and etc.So awareness regarding these things are very much needed at public level. In this regard Advertisement has played a vital role to upgrade the life of human beings in our society. Advertisement in TV. Newspaper and in Magazines etc has improved the savouring of slice of life of people in a positive way as well. When we talk about the health segment of society we shall make do to know that by spreading awareness about different topics or diseases, our people have improved their way of living as well as their health.In this regard we if focus diabetes, we will conclude that a decade ago diabetes in our society considered to be a unhealthful disease but know of course advertisement in media an at public level has totally change the old concept of diabetes. Similar is the case with other awareness programs of health as well. Advertisement is a very ready and sophisticated source to spread the information. I think that if advertisement is in moderate way and if it is not like that of today, the mechanically we can balance our society and regain the loosed rapport among ourselves and each other.

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